Svetlana Streltsova
Astrologer, psychologist, master of Tibetan healing methods, self-taught artist
In 2020 when I turned 55 years old, I felt eager to try myself in painting. There was no art school, in the city where I grew up. I liked to draw pictures. The drawing turned out to be apparently good, that's why teachers were asked me to draw different posters. My relative offered to help me get into the University for the art department. At the age of 17, it seemed an unclaimed profession. I was keen on Maths and Physics. Who would have thought that after so many years this talent would open up in me? I was conquered by the technique of Fluid Art. I looked at this magic with awe, how colours spread, how new shades, bubbles, lines appeared. I felt how I could through this technique show the boundless expanses of space and put stars, planets on top of this. I create each picture with trepidation and excitement, as something unique and inimitable. All paintings are filled with my energy and knowledge. For instance, each picture from the Zodiac Signs series contains different levels of sacred information. The constellations of each sign are drawn, symbols that are visible explicitly or implicitly, the colour scheme corresponds to the energies of the governing planet of each sign, the number of planets is the numerological code of the governing planet. I have been working with astrology for a long time. I subtly feel the surrounding energies, I feel the energies of the planets and zodiac signs. I am in resonance with this majestic world. I have a special connection with each zodiac sign. This is best conveyed in a picture dedicated to Scorpio. If I leave my hometown and don't have the opportunity to draw for at least a week, I feel a lack of the joy of creativity, inspiration and magical realization. I feel a great sense of gratitude to the world for such a wonderful opportunity to realize when I create and draw.